Reader enjoys in-depth answers

DEAR DR. GOTT: I strongly disagree with your readers who want short answers to more questions. The reason I read your column and recommend it to others is because you provide such thorough answers. That reader and the “we all” he or she refers to are either not aware of the complexity of many conditions or they have a short attention span. Please don’t stop helping those of us who crave complete and useful information. I think your solution is perfect: An occasional “quickies” column to respond to simple questions to which you can provide brief responses.

DEAR READER: Thank you for the compliment. You are correct that many health concerns are complex. Added to that, many people don’t want to take prescription medications if alternatives or home remedies will be beneficial, so in simply describing treatment options, several paragraphs of my limited space can be used. Never mind describing the condition, symptoms, diagnosis and testing!