DEAR DR. GOTT: Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a crippling problem for those who suffer from it. I would like to educate people about the problem because most people think that I’m crazy or that “just getting fresh air” will resolve the problem. The effects of chemicals used in personal and laundry products act as neurotoxins on my system, resulting in neurological difficulties — diminished cognitive function, loss of equilibrium, fogging vision, etc. Local drugstores and laundry-detergent aisles are lethal vats of poison for MCS sufferers. I am a massage therapist and have asked clients to refrain from wearing fragrance, but I have found their use of fragrant laundry products more dangerous than cologne. In particular, dryer sheets are extremely poisonous and cannot be purged from the room just by airing it out. I urge people to investigate the toxicity of their laundry products.
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