DEAR DR. GOTT: I’m a 79-year-old women and don’t want to go to the doctor because I don’t want to be found senile. For the first and only time I poured a splash of hydrogen peroxide into a water glass for gargling the next morning. Then, hurrying to get to church, I drank the water. Oops! I then drank lots of water and milk. I still drink lots of water but seem to taste the peroxide occasionally from my breath.
DEAR READER: In my opinion, 79 isn’t old so your physician shouldn’t consider you to be senile for making one simple mistake while in a rush. We all get forgetful at times, whether we are 29 or 89. It’s a situation I prefer to refer to as overloaded circuits, rather than the early stages of senility. I would hope your physician wouldn’t think you are a doddering old woman who cannot [Read more...]