DEAR DR. GOTT: My dad has been having chest pain toward the left side in the center for two days. He “thinks” he cracked a rib from coughing or that it’s from sleeping on the couch. I noticed he was breathing like someone with a very tight shirt on – he was breathing very quickly in and out using only the top portion of his lungs. He hasn’t been coughing any more than normal. A few days ago he was sick and missed two days or work which is extremely unlike him to miss even one, let alone two.
To back up, he is 50, overweight, not very physically active, has a poor diet, is a 30-year smoker (I believe up to a half pack a day), has a hiatal hernia long with severe GERD, beginning signs of diverticulosis/litis and likely stomach ulcers. We can’t get him to go to the doctor for anything on his own, [Read more...]