Modifying a dream

DEAR DR. GOTT: My 19-year-old son was recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He has been so severe right from the start, it always gets him into the emergency room at least twice a week and lately, even more frequently than that. In the last three weeks he also had a piece of his large intestine removed because one of the ulcers just didn’t want to quit bleeding. It also made his blood septic and now the doctors are telling him that his left ventricle on his heart is damaged from being septic for so long.

Doctors are telling him not to be working at all so his heart can repair itself. Is that even possible? He is a young man and finally got a job at an airport — something he has wanted for a long time now. He also was going to school to be an air traffic controller which he just found out he cannot be now due to his heart condition. The airport wants him to resign from work since they are afraid something will happen to him.
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