DEAR DR. GOTT: I just read with interest your column on childhood growing pains. When my children were young and complained that their arms and legs hurt, we came up with the idea of wrapping an elastic bandage loosely around their aches. We named it the “growing-pains bandage.” It seemed to bring them comfort, and they always felt better once it was on.
As a parent, it can be frustrating because you don’t know how to help. This was our solution, and it worked for our kids. Hopefully, it will help some of your readers as well.
DEAR DR. GOTT: I read your column about growing pains. I also suffered from these as a young boy. My mother took me to many doctors and was always told that it was growing pains. During my teen years, I had many joints that clicked and made noise. I have been suffering from arthritis for many years now.
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