Daily Column

I am a 24-year-old woman who has suffered from recurring impetigo all my life. As far as my medical history is concerned, I am 5’ 9” tall and weigh 138 pounds. Twice a year without fail I get this horrible sore on my lower lip that spreads to part of my chin. I can always get it to go away in about two weeks; however, in the mean time it is very unsightly and painful. I cannot disguise it with makeup because it spreads if touched.

I am very careful to not use washcloths or towels more than once during an outbreak. I wash everything in hot water. Do you know of anything else I can take to prevent getting this?

Impetigo is a skin infection that most often affects infants and children but can affect adults as well. It begins as red sores that rupture, ooze and form a yellowish/brown crust. [Read more...]