DEAR DR. GOTT: I sent a message six days ago and I still have not heard back from you. My question is regarding my ears. I started experiencing hearing loss about two years ago. My ear doctor put tubes in both of my ear drums. My hearing got better but only for a week then both ears starting draining fluid almost constantly. My doctor tried me on antibiotics, steroids and even suggested that I see an allergy doctor as he has pretty much given up. I saw an allergy doctor and he gave me the nasal spray Nasocort and the allergy pill Singulair. Nothing has helped the drainage. The other medications I take are insulin, carbamazepine, iron, and vitamins. Please help me. I am a 36-year-old female with chronic allergies and diabetes. I also have a seizure disorder.
DEAR READER: Let me start by saying that you have not heard back from me, [Read more…]