DEAR DR. GOTT: My girlfriend takes sleeping pills before bedtime and diet pills several times during the day. These all are sold over-the-counter and she follows the recommended dosage. She has done this for more than 10 years. Are there any dangers with this kind of long-term use?
DEAR READER: In my opinion, that’s a definite yes. If the supplements were taken for a true medical condition, I might feel that a 10-year history was okay but not in this case. Her body should be able to function well without drugs – even if they are controlled OTCs. For example, if she suffers from insomnia or feels the need for nightly sleep aids, there is likely an underlying cause that requires investigation for resolution. Perhaps she is depressed or there are stresses at work or at home. Or, she consumes caffeine in the form of coffee or chocolate too late in the evening. Perhaps she’s on a specific medication with insomnia as a known side effect. [Read more...]