Long-term colon cleansing inappropriate

DEAR DR. GOTT: I cannot thank you enough for the inspiration to lose weight. I started a lifestyle change a month ago and I’ve lost 15 pounds. I feel so much better, but I’m struggling with bowel movements. I eat lots of fresh veggies and no fried foods, sugar, potatoes or white rice. The problem was that my bowels didn’t move on a regular basis. After I ate, I felt bloated and was miserable for days sometimes. I found a colon cleanser at my local health food store and now take one capsule twice a day and feel incredible, but the packaging doesn’t recommend taking it for more than a week or so.

I have a family history of colon cancer. My mother and two of her three siblings died of colon cancer. I also just found out that five of my grandfather’s siblings died of colon cancer (he died at 91 of natural causes). [Read more...]