Patient should seek help at a university dental school

Q: In the past you answered a question involving BMS. Your advice was correct but could have gone one step further. As a pathologist with dual dentistry and medicine degrees, I am very familiar with BMS. You could have also suggested the patient seek help at a university dental school where there are oral; pathologists and oral medicine specialists who deal with these issues on a daily basis. The patient in question said they had gone to the Mayo Clinic so it sounds like he or she is in the Minnesota area. There is an oral medicine clinic at the University of Minnesota.

I have to add that I read your column every day and find your responses spot-on, both educating patients about their conditions and including the limitations of what we doctors can and cannot do; a very balanced approach. Thank you.

A: Thank you for the compliment and you are correct in that I could have referred the reader to a university dental school for follow-up. I often indicate patients should be seen by physicians in this and other facilities but guess I just have dropped the ball this time.

BMS (burning mouth syndrome) is a complex syndrome in which the tongue, lips, cheeks, roof of the mouth or areas of the entire mouth feel as if they have been scalded. There may be a loss of taste, a metallic taste in the mouth, with increased thirst. Interestingly, the condition may last for months or years and in rare instances, may rapidly dissipate or occur less frequently.

Primary burning mouth syndrome presently doesn’t have a specific cause. It may be related to issues with taste and the central or peripheral nervous system; however, secondary burning mouth syndrome is known to be caused by an underlying medical condition such as having an allergy, gastroesophageal reflux disease, oral thrush, dry mouth from a variety of medications (specifically those prescribed to treat hypertension),diabetes, hypothyroidism, wearing poorly-fitting dentures heart problems, anxiety, depression, or issues with the salivary glands, or even because of a nutritional vitamin B deficiency. The risk of burning mouth syndrome increases if a person has a URI (upper respiratory infection), has had recent dental procedures, is on specific medications, has had a traumatic life event, or is depressed. The condition affects women more than it does men and between 30 and 50% of patients improve spontaneously.

Unfortunately, burning mouth may be a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning there is no one test to provide a definitive diagnosis so several may have to be ruled out. Because of the dry mouth aspect, salivary testing will confirm whether there is a reduction in salivary flow, an oral culture may help zero in on fungal/bacterial/viral infection, and lab work may provide additional information that will help with making the diagnosis. Should the problem continue, an MRI, CT or other imaging tests may help rule out other condition.

Self-help on the home front may improve burning mouth. Alcohol and alcohol-containing products should be avoided because of potential irritation of the lining of the mouth. Spicy foods should be avoided, as should those foods that contain cinnamon and mint. Foods high in acids including orange juice, soft drinks, coffee and tomatoes should be avoided, as should highly spiced foods. Patients should consume more fluids. Lastly, reducing stress should also be attempted.

So readers with burning mouth syndrome, attempt the home remedies recommended and by all means consider making an appointment with a university dental school near you. You’ll be glad you did. And now I’m glad I did (make the recommendation).

Burning mouth a hot topic

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have recently been diagnosed with burning-mouth syndrome. What can you tell me about the cause and treatment? I’ve found Breneton on the Internet. Is this a good treatment to try?

DEAR READER: Unfortunately, the cause of this condition can’t always be easily determined. It is thought to be related to problems with taste and sensory nerves of the peripheral or central nervous system; or it might be caused by a nutritional deficiency such as vitamin B, folate, iron or zinc. Direct links for the disorder can include an oral yeast infection, anxiety, depression, some medications, an underactive thyroid, reflux, hormonal imbalance or irritation to the mouth. Whatever the cause, the pain can affect your lips, tongue, gums, inside of your cheeks, roof of your mouth or all of the above.
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Can toothpaste cause Burning Mouth Syndrome?

DEAR DR. GOTT: I have suffered with Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) since 2001. I have worked with my doctor and have had every test the Mayo Clinic recommended, to no avail. Recently, my sister called and told me of an article she read where the patient had suffered for 20 years with the condition and found the cause in toothpaste.

Could you please send me any information you have on BMS, including this article with the name of the toothpaste?
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Burning mouth difficult to treat

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 67-year-old female. Starting around Thanksgiving 2009, I have had a burning on the inside of my bottom lip. I hadn’t been sick, and the only prescription I was taking at the time was a hormone. I also took over-the-counter Benadryl (I have bad allergies) and something for my stomach.

My doctor diagnosed me with glossopyrosis. He has tried several prescriptions, but they only work for a few days. The newest was Nystatin with Benadryl and tetracycline, plus four others that I don’t remember. It only helped for two days.
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