Daily Column

I read your letter from the 57-year-old lady with hot flashes. I also was bothered with the problem until someone told me to take bee pollen. I took 550 mg twice daily and haven’t had any flashes for years. I hope you can pass this on.

Hot flashes occur when a portion of the brain known as the hypothalamus gets mixed signals and cannot determine if the body is hot or cold. The action causes blood vessels to expand and contract in an irregular pattern. An increased flow of blood triggers a feeling of heat, with flushing of the face, neck and chest. This is often followed by chills, or a cooling down as the blood vessels contract.

Flashes can last from as few as 15 seconds to up to an hour. They can be mild to severe in intensity. [Read more...]

Daily Column

You have written about vertigo several times. In a few, some of the writers said that they were taking “Lipo-Flavoniods”. I have suffered from vertigo for a number of years. It comes and goes but this last attack has lasted for six weeks with no signs of letting up so decided to try these “Lipo-Flavonoids”. However, having searched in several vitamin stores and calling several more, I could not find the product and was told that it did not exist. They said they had a product called “Bioflavonoids” and perhaps what I had read was just a misprint. I purchased a package and am trying it, but I think you should write a correction in your column because I am sure there are many more people out there looking for a product that isn’t real.

I have also made an appointment with an ear-nose-and-throat specialist just to be sure that nothing more serious is going on. [Read more...]

Daily Column

About a month ago you told of a medicine called rutin that is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and more. I took your column to my pharmacist who didn’t have it but said he would order it if I could find it. He also called a couple of suppliers who also did not have it.

Can you tell me where I can get rutin?

As I’ve said in the past, rutin is a bioflavonoid found in many fruits, vegetables and plants such as black tea, apple peels, citrus fruits and buckwheat. This supplement is used to treat hemorrhoids, Meniere’s disease, poor circulation, skin bruising, and more.

If your pharmacy doesn’t have a section for supplements, you will probably have better luck finding rutin at a health food store, so I suggest you begin there. You might tap into the internet for a source that might ship directly to your door. As a third option, [Read more...]

Daily Column

I am writing in response to the letter asking for help with hemorrhoids. I, too, suffer from them and had difficulty finding products that actually worked to relieve symptoms. I finally found Rutin. It is over-the-counter, inexpensive and for me, works within 20 minutes. The manufacturer states on the bottle that it can be used for hemorrhoids, poor circulation, varicose veins and more.

I also have a solution for skin that bruises easily or appears blotchy. I simply chop or grind a naval orange, peel and all and then eat it with a spoon. I usually mix in some crush pineapple and artificial sweetener to make it taste a bit better. I generally eat one crushed orange over several servings rather than all at once. It generally takes a few days before the bruises and blotches start to clear up. [Read more...]