Body odor in children often has unknown cause

DEAR DR. GOTT: My 4-1/2-year-old son is developmentally delayed and was diagnosed as having low muscle tone. With the help of therapy, he sat up at 1 year and walked at 2-1/2. He is also in speech therapy and isn’t completely potty trained. Emotionally and mentally, he is behind his pre-K peers and will be going into special education in kindergarten. He is extremely hyperactive and ADD, which contributes to his problems. My concern now is that he often has “oniony” breath and body odor, even when he hasn’t eaten any onions. Could this be a symptom of something that his doctors missed? Your feedback would be greatly welcomed. Thank you.

DEAR READER: The simple answer is yes, it could be a symptom of an underlying condition; however, I don’t know whether it is likely. Certain medications can cause changes in the smell of body odor, breath, urine and even stool. Most often other, more definitive symptoms are present, too.
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Bad-breath problem solved

DEAR DR. GOTT: For many years, I suffered with horrible breath, despite having had only one cavity in 40-plus years and brushing/flossing/tongue scraping/gargling constantly. I read every article I could find on bad breath but not one ever mentioned cryptic tonsils. I finally ended up with a doctor who figured out what those occasional smelly lumps were and had my tonsils removed. End of problem.

Please inform your readers who might be wearing out the enamel on their teeth, like me, trying to get rid of their bad breath that there may be another reason for it.
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Daily Column

I am a 23-year-old female and should have a great social life. But, I don’t because of one serious problem. I have bad breath! It is so embarrassing it has cost me every ounce of confidence I have and has ruined my relationship with everyone.

I’ve tried just about everything from my local drug store, but nothing seems to work. I brush, floss and use mouthwash at least twice a day. I’ve done some research and know this is not the root of the problem that began when I was in high school and was allowed to chew gum in school. Is there anything in gum that could have started this? Mints and gum seem to be only a temporary fix and most of the time they make my problem worse.

I know I am going to have to see a doctor, but whom do I make an appointment with? This is so embarrassing I don’t want to go to more doctors than I need to.
I really need some answers. [Read more...]