Is anaphylaxis a possibility?

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am a 42-year-old female with no known issues. I take OTC vitamins. When I get a bug bite, it seems that my body’s reaction is severe. After about 12 hours, the bite has swollen to several inches (4-5 around), is very hard, hot, red and tender. I am very careful not to scratch it as this just makes it worse. This will last a few days before it subsides. This week I was bitten near the hairline on my temple. A day later, it looks like I have a black eye.

I don’t remember having had this response as a child. It just seems to be getting worse over time. Short of going to the doctor every time I get a bug bite, what can I do to mitigate the symptoms? Thank you for your time.
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Medication caused potentially deadly reaction

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am writing about something I have never seen addressed in your column before.

My daughter, who lives alone, took the first pill of a new prescription while at work. She went into anaphylactic shock. He co-workers immediately called an ambulance, and she got to the hospital with only minutes to spare. If she had waited and taken the pill at home, there would have been no one to help her. Please caution your readers to not take any new medication when they are alone just in case they have an allergic reaction.

DEAR READER: Allergies to medications are fairly common, but to be severe enough to cause anaphylactic shock is rare.
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