DEAR DR. GOTT: I read the story in the newspaper about the person who got an infection and sunscreen helped her. I also have a story that is also weird.
My daughter suffers from allergies which are severe. She is allergic to almost everything and has been since the age of 4. At 12, I had her allergies tested and they were off the chart. She tested positive for all weeds, most trees, grass, animals, etc. (the list is long). She had been hospitalized for allergy-induced asthma attacks before which caused her to be on prednisone at times.
At about 16, she started to get plantar warts on her feet and they spread like wildfire because of the prednisone; even when not on it, they spread. By the time she started allergy shots, she had had two minors surgeries on one foot for the warts, [Read more…]