Q: I have noticed little white worms in my stool recently. I’m incarcerated and need to figure out if they are from dirty conditions here or maybe from something that I ate or touched. I’m normally a very clean person so what would cause this?
Thank you for your time on this matter.
A: There are two main types of parasites that can cause intestinal disease in the intestines – helminths and protozoa. Helminths such as tapeworms, pinworms and roundworms are the most common helminths in our country. Roundworms and tapeworms grow in the body and can cause serious health problems. Protozoa have one cell only, can multiply, and may cause serious infections to develop in the intestines. The most common forms of protozoa are giardia and cryptosporidium. Parasites in either form may be transmitted when an individual comes in contact with infected feces as can occur through contaminated water, food, and other sources.
Interestingly, parasites can live in the intestines indefinitely – as in for years – without causing any symptoms at all. Should symptoms occur, they may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, a rash or itching around the anus, fatigue, weight loss, and as you have discovered, worms in the stool. My guess is, the little white worms you see are probably pinworms. A tape test can be done, or can be visualized by medical personnel, followed by an exam under a microscope for Giardia or eggs of other parasites.
Examination by a physician will include fecal testing that will identify either helminths or protozoa. A Scotch tape test is commonly performed that touches the tape to the area of the anus, followed by examination under a microscope to determine if eggs are present. Depending on the results, antibiotics and/or medication to control any diarrhea will follow. Depending on the severity of the condition found, one dose may be adequate for control but for others, the medication may be prescribed for several weeks.
Your first step is to speak with your physician and have a test done to determine what type of parasite you have and what medication you should be on. Be sure to take the drug according to the directions provided for as long as is recommended. Along these lines and if you are in a confined area, you just might be doing the penal system a service by bringing your problem to the attention of your infirmary, as several individuals you share quarters with might also have the same symptoms.
If you choose to go the home remedy route for prevention of future cases of intestinal parasites once your present bout is eradicated, you might consider probiotics, eating raw garlic, beets, carrots, and pumpkin seeds which are all purported to kill parasites. Probiotics are live microorganisms (commonly bacteria), similar to those found in the human system and are referred to as good bacteria taken to prevent numerous conditions, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have the capability, consider adding yogurt and cheeses to your daily diet.