DEAR DR. GOTT: A couple of years ago you recommended a mint-scented sore muscle lotion for horses that was also effective in humans. I cannot remember the name of it but it worked very well when I had severe bursitis and now my knees are sore when I lay on my side in bed at night. I wonder if that lotion would help. Could you possibly tell me the name again?
DEAR READER: I believe the product you are referring to is veterinary liniment, a topical pain-relieving rub used on horses and other large livestock that can be found in many feed stores. The one with which I am most familiar is Absorbine; however, I am sure there are several other brands available which will work just as well.
I have not written about veterinary liniment in quite some time so am glad to have received your question. I would also like to take this opportunity to offer some other alternative and home remedies for muscle and joint pain.
The first, and one of the most requested, is purple grape juice and liquid pectin. Simply mix one tablespoon of liquid or powdered pectin with up to eight ounces of purple grape juice and drink one to three times day. It make take up to two weeks for full results to be noticed, after which a maintenance dose of one to two teaspoons of pectin in the juice consumed once daily will suffice. Apple pectin capsules (found at most health food stores) can have much the same effect.
Another is the topical application of castor oil rubbed onto the affected joint or joints twice daily. A castor oil based lotion such as Castiva can also be used which will provide a warming or cooling effect.
Adding omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fresh fish or supplements can also ease joint and muscle pain. Care should be taken when using supplements, as they can reduce a person’s clotting ability and may also lower blood pressure.
I suggest that you speak with your physician about your knee pain. Because you don’t provide an age or other pertinent health information, I cannot hazard a guess at the cause. Arthritis can occur in anyone of any age but is seen primarily in those middle-aged and older and it commonly affects the weight bearing joints, including the knees. Knee pain can also result from injury, bursitis (inflammation of the bursa), and much more.
Readers who are interested in learning more can order my Health Reports “Dr. Gott’s Compelling Home Remedies”, “More Compelling Home Remedies” and “Osteoarthritis” by sending a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and a $2 (for each report) US check or money order to Dr. Gott, PO Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form from my website,