Heat-induced nausea common

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DEAR DR. GOTT: I have had recurring nausea for several years that occurs only in warm weather over 75 F. It starts in April and continues until September.

I’ve been to six doctors, including a cardiologist, neurologist, physiologist, ear-nose-and-throat specialist and the VA. I’ve had all their tests but no diagnosis.

DEAR READER: It may be a surprise to you to discover that heat-induced nausea is rather common. These illnesses occur when a person’s body-temperature control system overloads. We cool our bodies by sweating. With some of us, sweating is inadequate and body temperatures rise.

This may occur because of high humidity that prevents sweat from evaporating as quickly as it ordinarily would, or we may have a fever, be dehydrated, be overweight, have poor circulation, be on specific medications, or use alcohol to excess. When any of these things occur, nausea may result.

There may be steps you can take to prevent this. Hydrate by drinking additional fluids, whatever your level of activity. Consider sports drinks to keep your mineral and electrolyte levels up. By all means, avoid as much sun exposure as you can. Choose lightweight fabrics that will allow your skin to breathe better. When possible, avoid warm outdoor temperatures and keep your home air-conditioned. It’s obvious we cannot walk around in a bubble; however, these are simple suggestions that might get you through days with higher-than-acceptable temperatures for you.

When you feel a bout of nausea coming on, consider eating olives, crackers or a lemon. In fact, keep ice water in the refrigerator and rub the edge of the glass with a lemon wedge. These food items may settle your stomach acid and help with the nausea. Then you might consider light exercise, yoga or tai chi for additional support.

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