Cinnamon For Angina?

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I am writing to you about the benefits of taking cinnamon supplements daily. I first saw an article in your column sent by a man who lowered his cholesterol by 30 points after taking cinnamon for a year. After taking cinnamon tablets for a year and changing nothing else, my cholesterol went from 230 to 170.

I later told one of my friends (a nurse) who said that her husband (a physician) had high cholesterol but he didn’t want to take statins because of the side effects. They discussed the cinnamon and decided to try it as he had nothing to lose. At the time he was also having terrible bouts of angina and ate nitro pills by the handful. The pain was so severe that his wife also had to give him injections of pain killers just to relieve the pain. Both the nitro and pain medication were prescribed by their primary care physician.

After taking the cinnamon every day for three months, his wife wrote to me to tell me that he had not had a single angina attack in over two weeks. I asked him, since he is a physician, if he thought the cinnamon played a role and he said he thought it had to be because he hadn’t changed anything else. I don’t know if his cholesterol dropped, but I knew I had to write you to tell you.

I don’t believe it will help every one, but since it is harmless, I hope you will print my letter in the hopes of helping others. We use one 1000 mg capsule daily. I get mine for about $4 for 100 pills at a local drug store.

I had not heard of this “side effect” of cinnamon therapy. I am printing your letter for reader interest.

My personal experience with cinnamon to lower cholesterol was not successful, nor was it for several of my patients. However, many of my readers have had dramatic reductions in their levels. Some use cinnamon capsules, others use ground cinnamon from the baking aisle of grocery stores. Still others say only true cinnamon works as most products labeled as cinnamon are really cassia, a cinnamon-like spice. Some feel it doesn’t matter whether it is cassia or cinnamon, but rather what the dosage is, endorsing sprinkling a teaspoon on food one to three times a day being better than one large or several small doses a day. In the end, what works for one doesn’t work for everyone and it is simply a matter of trial and error to find what works best for you.

As for the angina connection, I am intrigued — especially because it worked for a physician. As you may know, we doctors are notoriously difficult to treat and to convince of anything. Before using any supplement, I recommend discussing it with your personal physician to ensure it is safe and will not interact with any prescription or over-the-counter medicines you might be taking.

When I receive a number of responses, either negative or positive, I will be sure to write a follow-up.

To give you related information, I am sending you copies of my Health Reports “Coronary Artery Disease”, “Compelling Home Remedies” and “Understanding Cholesterol”. Other readers would like copies should send a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and $2 per report to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title(s).

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