Daily Column

I have Wegener’s granulomatosis. I would like to give your readers some information about support, research and awareness groups for this and other related disorders.

When I was first diagnosed in 1996, I was put in touch with a support group that was called the Wegener’s Granulomatosis Association. Since that time it has evolved into the Vasculitis Foundation.

Not only was the organization very helpful in providing information, it gave me an outlet to speak with others who were going through some of the same things I was. I recommend anyone with one of the vasculitis disorders to look them up.

There are several ways to contact the group so I will include them all.

The mailing address is Vasculitis Foundation, PO Box 28660, Kansas City, MO 64188. The telephone number is 1-800-277-9474 and for the most computer savvy individual, the website is www.VasculitisFoundation.org.

I received your letter just after the one above. I have therefore printed them together in the hope that they will reach anyone who is personally affected or knows someone who has a vasculitis-related disorder. Thanks for writing to share this information.