Spur causes pain for senior

DEAR DR. GOTT: My left side hurts me a lot. I went to my doctor, who said it was a spur. He gave me some pain pills to take four times a day. So I am writing to ask whether there is anything else I can do or take aside from this pill. He also told me that I have to live with it the rest of my life. I turned 85 last August and hope you can tell me what I can do. Thank you.

DEAR READER: I’m a little confused about where the pain is. Is it your neck, your chest cavity, your abdomen, thigh or lower leg? The location definitely matters. Because your physician has already diagnosed you, I will bypass other possible causes for left-sided pain.

In general, a bone spur (otherwise known as an osteophyte) is a bony projection that presents along the edge of a bone. Spurs can form on any bone within the body but are often found in the joints. The spur itself doesn’t cause pain but what it rubs against does, causing joint pain and loss of motion. Those on the spine can push against the spinal cord or nerves. When the neck is involved, pain and decreased range of motion may occur. Rarely, breathing can be compromised and blood flow to the brain might be restricted. When the shoulder is involved, range of motion may be quite limited. Spurs are common on the heels and can cause pain when walking.

Because of your age, my guess is that you may also have osteoarthritis that has caused a cartilage breakdown. This is not to imply that everyone with osteoarthritis will have spurs because they can simply occur on their own. However, the possibility remains. Also, you neglected to indicate whether an X-ray, CT or MRI was performed before a proper diagnosis was made. There are instances in which a physician can physically palpate a spur, but this should be followed up with radiology testing in order to confirm the diagnosis.

It may be that because of your age and medical history, your physician does not recommend surgery. Anti-inflammatory drugs or pain pills are commonly the first step. Options for any surgical procedure will depend on your full medical history and where the spur is located. Keep in mind that even if you are a candidate for surgery, the spur may be located in an area that is difficult or impossible to operate on.

In the interim, avoid any activity that aggravates the pain. Try applying an ice pack to the area several times a day for 15 minutes at a time. If you don’t choose to take the pain pill, try over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ibuprofen. If no relief is experienced, make a list of your questions and go back to your doctor for some direct answers. If you are still dissatisfied, request a referral to an orthopedic specialist or pain clinic.

About Dr. Gott