The Versatility Of Oregano

I’ve been reading your column for many years and have not seen anything about oil of oregano. This is a plant oil similar to garlic, very effective as an antibiotic, but isn’t the oregano we cook with. It has antiviral and antifungal properties. The stuff is phenomenal. It clears up a sore throat over night, stops itching in the ears, keeps sinusitis at bay and cures athlete’s foot. When my husband had an outbreak of athlete’s foot, I mixed the oil with olive oil and rubbed it on his feet. He has not had another outbreak in more a year. I bet it would work well with toenail fungus and there are probably other things it will also cure if people just experiment.

Take two or three drops in a glass of water, gargle and swallow. The taste is terrible, but the product is very effective. I use the pure oil and the oil in soft gels. While they both work well, the pure oil mixes better with water. The pure oil is very strong, however, so the drops should be mixed with another oil to be tolerated. About one ounce of olive oil is best. It stings a little, but doesn’t burn the skin.

Why don’t mainstream doctors research this product against the super bugs? Pure oil of oregano can be purchased at any health food store at a relatively low price.

Oregano is a member of the mint family, often used as a spice for cooking. The oil extracted from the plant is purported to cure mild abdominal problems, clear coughs, eliminate fungus, dandruff and other skin problems, migraine headaches, breathing difficulties, athlete’s foot, and more. Frankly, that’s quite a list for any single product to control or cure. An appreciable amount of information is available on the oil. However, most of it is generated by those companies that sell the product and stand to profit from such sale.

From a different view, numerous spices, to include oil of oregano, do have some antibacterial and antifungal properties. This is well known. The mint component leans toward logical relief from sinus congestion, respiratory conditions and abdominal distress. However, it must be noted there are no published test results or trials that have targeted this oil specifically for this purpose.

I am pleased you have found relief through experimentation. It’s often a good sign when individuals explore alternative treatments that cannot hurt but can often help minor medical conditions. Thank you for writing.

About Dr. Gott