Daily Column

I am a faithful reader of your column and hope that you can give me some advice regarding information provided by several individuals.

You have repeatedly recommended niacin instead of statins for lowering cholesterol. I will be going to my doctor soon for my routine physical and plan on asking if this is an appropriate option for me as I realize every case and body is different.

My concern, however, is that many people have told me that some vitamins and supplements can cause anal leakage. I would like to know what you think of this and, if it is true, to what vitamins it applies.

To the best of my knowledge, vitamins and supplements do not cause anal leakage (also known as bowel or fecal incontinence). This is not to say that there is no possibility for problems from the medication, [Read more...]

Daily Column

What are statins and how do I know if the pills I take are statins? What are they for and what are the side effects?

Statin drugs are effective in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart attack and death in patients with known coronary artery disease. Lipitor (atorvastatin), Lescol (fluvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), and Crestor (rosuvastatin) fall into the statin category. If you are on any of these medications, you are taking a statin.

The most common side effects are elevated liver enzymes and leg cramping. If you are on a statin, your doctor should schedule periodic laboratory testing to determine if your levels are within normal limits. If the cholesterol level remains high despite the medication or the liver enzymes start to rise to dangerous levels, he or she will likely make a determination [Read more...]