Daily Column

My husband is 81 years old. He has pain in his arm and up into the shoulder area.

Our family doctor said the tendon has broken off the shoulder blade and the bicep muscle has dropped. We were told there is nothing that can be done to fix it. I want to know if there is anything that can be done to relieve the constant ache my husband has as a result of it.

I urge your husband to be seen by an orthopedic specialist. This type of specialist can test your husband for a proper diagnosis and offer treatment options. If the tendon has truly broken off, surgical repair may be beneficial. While family physicians are knowledgeable in a wide variety of disorders, in this instance, your husband really needs to see the specialist. [Read more...]

Persistent Back Pain Need Specialist

My son will be 35 soon. He has been suffering from low back pain for about four years. He has a small remodeling business, so does hard labor. He has had to make adjustments so as not to lift anything too heavy. He is very industrious and not working is not an option for him.

My son has incurred a large amount of debt from doctor visits, testing and treatment. He has seen neurologists, orthopedic specialists, pain specialists and chiropractors. He has tried acupuncture, exercise, prednisone, Oxycontin, Percocet, injections into his spine, and others. The narcotics helped the most but he does not want to be on them again because they caused severe withdrawal symptoms which he does not want to go through again.

None of his physicians have given him any hope. [Read more...]

Bursitis Difficult To Treat

I am a 63-year-old female. I have been about 20 pounds overweight for the last 10 years. I had two back surgeries, one at L4 and the other at L5, nearly 30 years ago.

My current problem is inflammation of the bursa sacs in both of my hips. I have seen two physicians, three orthopedists and a physical therapist. I have had two cortisone shots, three different prescription anti-inflammatories and work out in a heated pool. So far nothing seems to be helping.

Ten years ago I took an office job and sit for eight hours a day. About that same time I started Lipitor. Two years ago I stopped for six weeks (with doctor approval) but the hip pain did not go away. My doctors keep telling me that it is hard to heal this type of problem but I am tired of hurting. I cannot lie on either side and am unable to walk even a single city block. Please help! [Read more...]

Daily Column

I am a 76-year-old man having a difficult problem with sciatic nerve pain.

I have had episodes of this ailment before but never to this degree. The pain is almost daily — sometimes worse than others. I have had X-rays, 16 chiropractic visits and have visited my internist.

The chiropractic adjustments seemed to make some progress but they would only last a few days and then the pain would get worse. I discontinued these visits.

My doctor told me that time would help and gave me a prescription for ibuprofen. I regularly use ice packs which seem to relieve the discomfort to some degree.

I am active and walk every morning. I eat a healthful diet with little caffeine intake and have no major health problems. I have tried limiting my activities but it didn’t help. I even bought a riding lawnmower thinking it would help but it only makes the pain worse. [Read more...]

Daily Column

I have a problem that I am hoping you can help solve.

Two years ago I started developing pains that seem to travel and throb from my sinuses to my head and from my buttocks to my legs. About a year ago I went for a physical and blood tests. The doctor told me I had probably picked up some strange virus while traveling.

In January of this year my ears started sounding muffled with a humming noise so I went to a naturopath. She told me to eliminate dairy products from my diet. The muffled humming stopped after I took her advice but these mysterious pains are still present.

The pain lasts for about two days, stops for a day or two and then comes back. I have also started losing my hair. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. [Read more...]

Daily Column

My wife was convinced by the ladies at the pool that MonaVie is the best thing this side of the river (and probably the other side too!) for reducing cholesterol, etc., and that we should get started on it right away. I am concerned about the safety and possible side effects. What can you tell us about it?

DEAR READERS: Your letters are just a sampling of many I have received over the last several weeks regarding this supposed “superfood” juice. I am unfamiliar with this product so will base my answer on an information packet and several pamphlets.

The packet is from the AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc., Natural and Medicinal Products Research that claims to have done a clinical study on MonaVie. As you would expect, the results show that the juice is beneficial when taken regularly. [Read more...]

Daily Column

I am hoping you can address the following in your column as lots of people in Pennsylvania and New York (and other states as well, I am sure) are counting on your advice.

I have recently come across a “juice” called MonaVie. It is made from the Acai berry from the Amazon and is made in Utah. It claims to have 19 fruits in it and is supposedly all natural with no preservatives. I have enclosed a newsletter I received about it that says it is loaded with antioxidants and glucosamine, it is advertised as a remedy for arthritis, muscles aches, joint pain and, of course, to ward off some cancers and much more. Please help.

Daily Column

I am an avid reader, but I have not seen anything about my problem.

When I am standing in line, taking my ½ mile daily walk or just about anything that involves standing for more than a few minutes, I get a tingling sensation at the bottom of my spinal cord (in the buttocks area). As soon as I feel this I know I need to find someplace immediately to sit down. If I don’t, the sensation goes all the way down to my toes. If I try to walk it feels as thought I am on marbles and I never know if my next step will hold me or if I will fall. This has been happening for several years.

I never know when it will happen because it doesn’t happen all the time. The only thing that stops the tingling and numbness is to sit down for a few minutes. I have had an X-ray of my spine and was told I have arthritis but that it should not cause the symptoms I am experiencing. [Read more...]

Sunday Column

I read your column faithfully and find it very helpful and interesting is so many ways for both my family and me. I am an 84-year-old female in very good health. I had stage II breast cancer followed by breast removal 16 years ago. I was on tamoxifen for five years but never had chemotherapy or radiation. I continue to have yearly mammograms and so far, everything has been good.

I used to be a competitive racewalker, competing locally and nationally with the Senior Olympics. I received numerous medals in both levels but had to give it up to take care of my husband about 10 years ago. I continue to racewalk on my own. I was treated for leg and back pain while doing this competitively.

I am writing for you opinion on two issues. The first is treatment of meralgia paresthetica. [Read more...]

Daily Column

I’ve been a fan of yours for years and know that you like to be informed of any products that do work. I suffer from pain due to a bulging disc in my neck and have discovered through an online search a new pain-relieving cream called Osmoflex.

Even though it has menthol as the active ingredient, it is not strong smelling like others on the market. It also has magnesium, MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin.

I know the product will not fix my neck but I am amazed at how much relief it has given me.

Osmoflex was introduced to the public three months ago by a Louisiana manufacturer. It is stated to provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints. Target areas are simple back ache, sprains, strains, and bruises. [Read more...]