I am a 63-year-old female. I have been about 20 pounds overweight for the last 10 years. I had two back surgeries, one at L4 and the other at L5, nearly 30 years ago.
My current problem is inflammation of the bursa sacs in both of my hips. I have seen two physicians, three orthopedists and a physical therapist. I have had two cortisone shots, three different prescription anti-inflammatories and work out in a heated pool. So far nothing seems to be helping.
Ten years ago I took an office job and sit for eight hours a day. About that same time I started Lipitor. Two years ago I stopped for six weeks (with doctor approval) but the hip pain did not go away. My doctors keep telling me that it is hard to heal this type of problem but I am tired of hurting. I cannot lie on either side and am unable to walk even a single city block. Please help! [Read more...]