Red and white equals the blues

DEAR DR. GOTT: I’m a 56-year-old female. For the past 1-1/2 years or so, I have had red streaks in the whites of my eyes. About six months ago, I went to an eye doctor who said the streaks were just “normal aging.” My vision is fine, but no matter how much rest I get, they’ve continued to worsen. My eyes always look as if I’m sick or have been on a bender.

I’ve searched the Internet and can’t find anything that fits this problem. Can you tell me what I have and how to cure it?

DEAR READER: Red eyes occur when small vessels on the surface of the eye become congested and engorged with blood. The condition is commonly related to an oxygen insufficiency. A vitamin B deficiency, specifically B2 and B6, eye strain, sun exposure, overuse of contact lenses, cosmetics, fatigue, improper diet, blood thinners and allergies are a few of the more common causes.

I would feel better if you were to have an ophthalmologist rule out conjunctivitis (pinkeye), uveitis, corneal ulcers, herpes simplex and other medical conditions so you can be assured there is no underlying reason for the streaks.

If you have been unsuccessful in treating your condition, modify your diet to avoid margarine and saturated fats, table and refined salt, hard cheeses and chlorinated water. Add spinach, olive oil, water and fresh fruits, such as blueberries, blackberries and cherries. Use over-the-counter eyedrops for relief. Apply cool or warm compresses several times a day when possible throughout the day and, if appropriate, temporarily discontinue using makeup. Perhaps the dietary and external modifications will improve things.

About Dr. Gott