Reader offers help to other readers

DEAR DR. GOTT: I enjoy reading your columns and have comments on two of them. The first one is concerning the writer who felt dizzy constantly. I had a similar situation a couple of years ago. I went to a chiropractor (for the first time), where I was adjusted several times over a two-week period. The dizziness disappeared.

The second article was from a mother about her son’s cluster headaches. I have been using essential oils for years now. Peppermint oil on the temples has been effective for migraines and cluster headaches, and also helps to relieve nasal congestion. Anyone who uses this remedy must be careful when using full-strength oils. Many people choose to dilute the oil in half with pure vegetable oil. Petroleum-based oils shouldn’t be used to dilute the essential oils because they can inhibit the effectiveness.

DEAR READER: Thank you for writing to share your experience and to offer help to my readers. Chiropractic manipulation can be beneficial for many conditions that misalign the spine, leading to pain, tingling, numbness and other unwanted symptoms.

Essential oils are primarily used for aromatherapy. They can also be beneficial in alleviating certain symptoms while providing a calming sense of being to relieve stress and help the muscles to relax.

About Dr. Gott