Reader needs help identifying, finding product

DEAR DR. GOTT: I am trying to find a particular drawing salve that my grandmother, mother and I have used. It looks like a large Tootsie Roll and comes wrapped in a tan piece of rolled paper with black lettering. You melt a couple of drops of it onto a bandage and apply it where you have a sliver or piece of metal or glass. In a day or two, when you remove it, the sliver comes out.

I have looked everywhere for it, but no one even knows what I’m talking about. I’m originally from Connecticut but now live in Virginia. I am hoping that because you are from Connecticut, maybe you know what I’m talking about and possibly know the actual name of the product.

I have about 1 inch of my roll left, but don’t want to use it because I may never get it again. I would love to get hold of several rolls and lock them up in a safe for future use. Thanks for any help you can provide.

DEAR READER: While I do not know the exact brand of which you are speaking, I believe that the product in question is ichthammol ointment. This product has been around for years and is typically used to treat slivers, boils and minor skin irritations, such as rashes or eczema.

The good news is that the product is still available in many pharmacies and chain stores. However, the particular product and packaging you have is likely to be old and no longer available, so you will have to do with the more modern ichthammol, which comes in small jars or tubes. The product is much easier to apply to affected areas because of its softer consistency.

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