Low back pain

Low back pain (LBP) affects almost all adults at some point in their lives. Moreover, back pain among adolescents is on the rise. There is a tremendous cost, both financially and personally with chronic back pain. 2.5% of all medical expenditures are spent on LBP. Individuals with LBP have medical expenditures 60% higher than those without.

A common question may be what is my diagnosis? Is it lumbar sprain, lumbago, sciatica, stenosis, herniated disc etc? Medical research demonstrates that in only about 15% of all cases of LBP there is a specific pathoanatomical diagnosis. When an MRI is performed on pain free individuals there are a large percentage with bulging discs 55-80%, herniated discs 25-35%. At age 35 there is a 40% chance you will have visible arthritis on an X-Ray before your symptoms begin. At age 70, the likelihood is 100%. Therefore, these tests typically do not guide treatment for LBP.

There is an obvious value for imaging studies if there is a suspected fracture, cancer or unusual or prolonged symptoms that have failed to respond to conservative treatment. In the case of simple mechanical LBP, Geer Physical Therapy uses a detailed history and a movement based exam to help classify your symptoms. We then match your movement impairments and functional limitations with specific treatments. This approach has been shown to be favorable vs. conventional treatment.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding our approach to LBP.

Mike Mangini PT OCS CMP
Geer Physical Therapy
99 S Canaan Rd
Canaan CT 06018

About Dr. Gott