Dairy causes bedwetting in young boy

DEAR DR. GOTT: When I was a young mother, my 5-year-old started having trouble with bedwetting. At that time, there was a television program called “FYI” (For Your Information). The spokesperson basically said that it may be because he or she is allergic to milk. If he is eating ice cream or any dairy product as part of the last meal of the day, he may be asleep when the reaction occurs and that is when he can’t control it.

Well, I tried it and it did make a difference right away for us. I told my son that he wasn’t a “bad boy” and that his bedwetting was because of something he couldn’t control. We had no more problems as long as his last meal of the day had no dairy products in it.

I should probably mention that when he was a baby, he couldn’t tolerate most formulas and projectile vomited after each feeding with them. I eventually switched him to a soy-based formula, and he got better. I hope this helps other young mothers out there.

DEAR READER: This is a new one for me, so I have printed your letter in the hopes that it can help others as it seems to have helped you and your son. Thanks for sharing!

About Dr. Gott