Daily Column

I am a physician in California. I thought you would like to know a little about statin therapy and co-enzyme Q10. According to a publication in the Archives of Neurology, atorvastatin (Lipitor) has been shown to significantly decrease CO-Q10 by about 50% in one month. This depletion may lead to exercise intolerance and muscle pain and inflammation.

I, personally, have had many patients better tolerate statins when given co-enzyme Q10 as well. Please pass this on to your readers and other physicians.

DEAR DOCTOR: Thank you for writing and informing me of this finding. I have received a few sporadic letters regarding administration of CO-Q10 with statins as well as stating some studies have seen depletion during statin therapy. Yours was one of the only that included a reference.

Given this information, I feel I must now recommend that individuals taking statins talk to their physicians about the possibility of adding the enzyme supplement, especially if they are experiencing aching muscles and joints. I must also point out here, that if these symptoms continue to worsen or do not respond to the additional CO-Q10, then it is time to consider non-statin cholesterol reducers.

About Dr. Gott