Daily Column

I read your column about the woman with treatment resistant UTIs with interest. I, too, was having this condition. When I asked my doctor why, he said he wasn’t certain about the cause but it could be bacterial. I figured if the cause was bacteria, perhaps betadine would help.

I simply started washing “down there” with the betadine and the infection was gone! Now if I feel a UTI starting, I immediately wash or add a few drops to a bottle of prepared douche. It immediately resolves the problem. I hope this helps some of your other readers.

Urinary tract infections can be difficult to treat, especially in women who have recurring or frequent infections. Typical treatment usually consists of a course of oral antibiotics but for individuals such as you, finding a simple home treatment to prevent them can be vital.

I am printing your letter in the hopes that it will help other women who suffer from similar situations.

I would also like to recommend drinking a glass of cranberry juice daily that may prevent urinary tract and bladder infections. Drinking several glasses a day during an acute infection can also lessen symptoms and shorten recovery time.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections”. Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

About Dr. Gott