Daily Column

After having my left kidney removed, I have been prone to severe leg cramps. They are especially troublesome after sitting for hours at our euchre club. One night they were particularly severe and several of my friends told me to drink dill pickle juice. I love dill pickle juice and since we were having the club at my house, it was easy for me to grab some juice. Instantly the pain stopped and I was able to go back to playing. It was unbelievable and you can add my vote to the dill pickle juice for cramps remedy.

I have received several letters from people who drink dill pickle juice (the liquid left in the jar after the pickles are gone). Many claim it is instantly effective. Others have had success with sports drinks that contain electrolytes and still others apply liquid soap directly to the sore muscle. Soap-under-the-sheets still seems to be the preferred method for preventing nocturnal leg cramps.

Recently, I was sent a sample of a product called Pickle Juice Sport which claims to prevent muscle cramps if drunk prior to or during rigorous exercise and activity. Based on the ingredients, it appears to be a hybrid of sorts between sports drinks with electrolytes and dill pickle juice.

Since I have no experience with this product, I am curious to know what my readers think. If you have tried this product or plan to try it, please let me know your results. Anyone interested in more information about it can visit the website at www.PicklePower.com.

Before I am slammed for promoting a product for financial reasons, I will say that I have no affiliation with this product in any way. I simply want to find out if this novel product is beneficial to my readers.

About Dr. Gott