Daily Column

I’ve been following your commentary on the professionalism of physicians and happen to have Bipolar disorder. On two occasions, when I was neither manic nor depressed, I went to family physicians for purely physical problems only to have them make comments that I was “one of their crazy patients” and others that were similar. At the time I was too shocked to speak up and ask for an apology.

It seems highly unlikely that either of these doctors would make racial slurs to a patient so why did they feel it was acceptable to make rude comments about a condition I have that is beyond my control?

Why these physicians felt it okay to make rude comments in your presence is beyond my comprehension. It was inappropriate, hurtful and unethical. You are correct that this condition is beyond your control; you have no choice about how or when it will affect you.

I urge you to write a letter or phone the offending physicians, express your concern, outrage and disappointment in their behavior and request a written, formal apology. If these physicians are smart, they will learn from this experience and not make the same mistake again.

About Dr. Gott