Daily Column

I need some advice on a worrisome problem. I am a 50 year-old female in good health. I still menstruate, and until three weeks ago, it was completely regular. I had a normal, on time period but two weeks after it stopped, I began another one which hasn’t stopped. It is like a normal period in appearance but it has lasted three weeks and I seem to be bleeding more than usual.

I am not in good financial health so would rather not see a physician unless absolutely necessary. I take vitamins and minerals regularly and continue to feel fine. What should I do?

You need to see a gynecologist. I urge you to make an appointment as soon as possible to avoid the risk of anemia. Prolonged bleeding from menstruation can have many causes ranging from blood clots to fibroids to cancer. It is important to find out the cause and have it promptly treated.

Regardless of the cause of your bleeding, you are losing a significant amount of blood and are risk for anemia which can cause weakness, faintness, fatigue and other problems. You should start a daily iron supplement regimen to reduce symptoms.

I should also mention that at the start of menopause, known as peri-menopause, normal monthly menses become abnormal, often skipping a month or two at a time, but it can also cause heavier or more frequent bleeding. As I stated above, it is important to see your gynecologist as soon as possible. Only he or she can determine the cause and proper route of treatment.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Menopause”. Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

About Dr. Gott