Daily Column

I read your article about a person who seems to have the same progressive neurological disorder of the spinal discs that I have. I have enclosed the doctor’s report of my MRI.

I am a 74-year-old man. I currently take one Ultram tablet three times a day and one Lyrica tablet twice a day. I have also had two hip replacements in the past 20 years.

When I get up in the morning, my left leg feels like someone has attached an electric wire to it. I also have a great deal of pain in my shoulders. The electrical feeling in my leg and the pain in my shoulders last until I take the Ultram but then I still have some trouble standing or walking for too long. The Lyrica seems to help because by about 10 am I am able to get up and move around somewhat better.

Because of all the pain, I tried a pain clinic where I was prescribed gabapentin three times a day. I later stopped it because I felt very confused; I didn’t know who or where I was. Quality of life is important to me. They also tried giving me an epidural block which did not work.

My primary care physician told me that I would have to have surgery when my bowels become involved. I feel that I am getting too old to have surgery and knowing what I have told you and your past dealings with similar patients, I would like to know what your opinion is. Should I live with the pain or take a chance with surgery?

You have enclosed the results of your MRI which shows severe degenerative disc disease in several areas of your spine. The report recommends surgical decompression should other, non-invasive treatments work. I believe that you have reached that stage.

Surgery is a final option for most conditions. Spinal surgery is especially worrisome. Despite its vast advances over the years and its relatively low incidence of serious side effects, most people are uncomfortable with it. All surgery has risks but spinal surgery is perhaps the second most detrimental (following brain surgery) including permanent nerve damage which may result in loss of feeling, paralysis and more. Fortunately, with modern techniques, the chance of adverse effects is drastically reduced.

I suggest you speak with a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the spine. These specialists can answer any questions you may have, calm any concerns and give you a realistic picture of what to expect. It is your choice to have surgery or not, but before you can make that decision you must be completely informed. As you stated above, quality of life is very important but you do not seem to have good quality now. If you are otherwise healthy, perhaps surgery is your best option.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “An Informed Approach to Surgery. Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

About Dr. Gott