Daily Column

I never miss your column and have received some very good advice from you and your readers. A while ago a reader wrote in with a recommendation for hair loss. Since I was starting to have problems with thinning hair I decided to try it and write you with my results as you requested. The products were TreSemme Silk Protein Healthy Volume Shampoo and TreSemme Vitamin E Conditioner.

They work great! My hair has started to come back thicker, stronger and healthier than before. I also use TreSemme hair spray and have found that it is not sticky like other products and doesn’t alter the beneficial effects of the shampoo and conditioner. I would like to thank the reader for the suggestion and you for being brave enough to print it in your column. Thank you!

I have had several letters similar to yours from readers who have success with the TreSemme products. Like everything else, it does not work for everyone but thankfully there are other options. Other seemingly effective treatments (based on the letters I have received) include taking a daily folic acid supplement or B-complex tablet. Folic acid is one of the B-vitamins which may explain why the B-complex is also effective.

Hair loss, especially in women, can be devastating and many hair replacement techniques are costly. Simple home remedies are more preferable and I am happy to say work for many.

About Dr. Gott