Daily Column

I would like to know how a calorie is determined. What is the process of finding out how many calories are in a hamburger?

A kilocalorie unit system is used by experts when referring to the fuel or energy value of foods. It is a unit expressing the heat-or-energy producing value in food when oxidized in the body.

I cannot be firm about the number of calories in a hamburger because variances depend on the amount of fat in the meat and how it is prepared. As an example, a large, plain patty can contain between 210 and 426 calories. Beyond the calorie count, the total fat consumed can be about 35% of the daily recommended value and 24% of the cholesterol an individual should consume within a normal 2000 calorie daily diet.

I urge you to read labels, especially of pre-packaged foods and to purchase 95% lean hamburger or ground turkey or chicken. Broil the meat, rather than placing it in a fry pan. In this manner, any fat content can drip off and you can enjoy a more healthful dinner.

About Dr. Gott