Daily Column

Seven years ago I started using a very cheap dark concord wine on the advice of my sister (who got it from another lady) to relieve my hand, foot, toe and leg cramps. Only ¼ cup every four to six weeks is needed. I have not had a cramp since. Before the wine I was using TUMS for the cramps with success but the wine is easier to use because I don’t need it as frequently.

I cannot offer any conclusion about why the wine works. It seems to me that is may simply be a placebo effect because ¼ cup every month should have no effect. The wine will not stay in the body for more than a day.

As for the TUMS, they are great source of calcium, which can, in theory, block cramps.

For many readers with leg cramps I have recommended putting a bar of soap under the sheets to prevent cramps. Again, I have no knowledge about why this works.

If the wine works for you, stick with it. There is no harm in drinking ¼ cup once a month.

About Dr. Gott