Carsick toddler has a tough ride

DEAR DR. GOTT: My 2-year-old grandson gets carsick terribly. His parents do not feed him immediately prior to any trips, but he still throws up. Is there something they could give him prior to traveling?

DEAR READER: Motion sickness is rather common and can affect people of any age. It stems from a sensitivity of the inner ear. Unfortunately, it’s more traumatic when it happens to a youngster. Symptoms can include stomach upset, loss of appetite, cold sweats and vomiting. I hear about queasy feelings more frequently from people who sit in the back seat of the car and from people who read or otherwise engage in visual and mental stimulation in an effort to pass the time. This certainly is not the case with a 2-year-old, however. A child of that age is prohibited by law from riding in the front seat for safety reasons. So let’s consider options:

Have him look out the window at passing cars, signs and people. Play a game of spotting a green car, a red wagon or a person with black hair. He might eat an hour or two before getting into the car. Bring along a water bottle so he can remain hydrated. Sing songs or listen to the radio. If he can doze off, by all means let him do so. Split the trip up into two or three segments, allowing him to get out and walk around to break the routine. In other words, focus his attention elsewhere and attempt to trick his inner ears. You may also wish to try ginger capsules, Dramamine or Benadryl.

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