Ask Dr. Gott » scalp infection Ask Dr Gott MD's Website Sun, 12 Dec 2010 05:01:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Fungal infection of the scalp Sun, 25 Apr 2010 05:01:14 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: My dermatologist told me that I have a fungal infection in my scalp. He gave me a shampoo that didn’t help and also made my hair very dry and unhealthy looking. I am now beginning to lose my hair every time I brush and wash it. It comes out in strands and doesn’t grow. I’m getting a small bald spot in the front and don’t know what to do or where to turn. Can you please help me?

DEAR READER: Fungal scalp infections, also known as tinea capitis or ringworm of the scalp, are relatively common. Caused by a moldlike fungus, the condition is very contagious.

Symptoms include scalp itch, inflammation, pus-filled lesions, small black dots on the scalp and areas of the head that appear bald because the hair has literally broken off.

As a general rule, oral antifungal prescription medications are more effective on a greater variety of fungi. Topical ointments control surface fungi only. Less expensive (and perhaps better) home treatments include tea-tree oil, grape-seed extract, (green) black walnut and the juice from fig leaves.

Because the condition thrives in areas of poor hygiene and skin injuries, it is recommended that hair be washed regularly and allowed to dry completely. Avoid scratching an itchy scalp. Do not use a sharp-toothed comb. And, of extreme importance, do not share a comb, brush, towel for drying the scalp, or hats and headscarves that haven’t been cleaned. Sharing such articles will simply pass the fungus from one person to another. Ringworm is also known to be spread by pets, particularly cats.

If a physician is unable through visual exam to make a diagnosis, biopsy and other procedures are available. The disorder is persistent and will require meticulous attention.

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