Ask Dr. Gott » lisinopril Ask Dr Gott MD's Website Sun, 12 Dec 2010 05:01:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Daily Column Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:00:00 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT:
I am 72 years young, active, and do all my own housework. I recently read your letter concerning hair loss after taking medication. I am on three medications and three over-the-counters. The first drug is lisinopril 20 mg tabs, one and a half pills every day. The second is prednisone 4 mg daily prescribed by a rheumatologist because of rheumatoid arthritis . The third is blood pressure medicine known as metoprolol 50 mg that I’ve been on for over four years. I was taking one in the morning and a half every evening until my doctor increased the medication to two a day.

My over-the-counter drugs are a one-a-day multi-vitamin, calcium 1000 mg plus D daily, and calcium citrate 315 mg with 200 IU of vitamin D.

Years ago I noticed hair loss and attributed it to the metoprolol. The problem keeps increasing and, in fact, if it continues, I will need a wig in another year. I mentioned the problem to my doctor and her reply was that all medicines make people lose hair. Would I be wrong in asking my doctor to take me off the metoprolol and prescribe another medication for my high blood pressure? I showed her the drug information provided by my pharmacy indicating hair loss as a side effect.

I recently changed primary care physicians since my first doctor wasn’t concerned at all about my hair loss. What can I do?

Let me begin with some general information. Medications must go through several clinical studies before being approved. This is done by giving thousands of people a drug, while others are given a placebo. During the studies, no participant knows if he or she is taking the real thing or a placebo. An adverse consequence in more than 1% of the people studied in both categories is referred to as a common side effect, while less than that amount is referred to as rare. Once a drug is approved, it is no longer studied.

Now for the bad news. You are on lisinopril, metoprolol and prednisone. Rare side effects of all three drugs list hair loss as a possibility. Steroids are known to precipitate hair loss in men, yet all women have some male hormones. Therefore, of the prescription medications you take, all three share a similar consequence. The good news, according to my resources, is that the hair loss is generally reversible once a drug is discontinued.

It could be difficult in your situation to determine which drug might be causing your hair loss, unless you kept meticulous records indicating when the pattern began. As we age, we suffer wrinkles, heart problems, hypertension, arthritis and more. It’s difficult enough dealing with the problems over which we have little control. We shouldn’t have to deal with balding when it might be preventable. I recommend you speak with your new primary care physician who might be able to prescribe different medications in each instance without such an emotionally devastating side effect, no matter how rare it might be.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Consumer Tips on Medicines”. Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

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