Ask Dr. Gott» Fibromyalgia Ask Dr Gott MD's Website Fri, 05 Apr 2013 05:01:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relief from fibromyalgia pain Thu, 03 Jan 2013 05:01:15 +0000 Dr. Gott Q: I had fibromyalgia syndrome (FS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and irritable bowel disease (IBD) for 12 years and suffered more than anyone should. My cure was getting an infected root canal fixed by a dentist that knew what an infection like mine can do to a person’s health.

One day after getting the dental work done, the pain started going away. After five days, I could run five miles with no pain at all.

The sad part is that everyone else with fibromyalgia could be cured just like me if they had the proper dental care. Dentists are prone to leaving infections going on in a person’s mouth since no one is telling them what harm they are doing. If you could take five people with fibromyalgia to a knowledgeable dentist, I know all five would be cured and you would be a hero to the world.

A: Fibromyalgia is defined as pain and tenderness of a person’s joints, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues. Pain can vary in intensity from a deep ache to something more extreme. The condition has been linked with chronic fatigue, depression, memory problems, paresthesias of the extremities, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. The exact cause remains somewhat elusive but there are known stressors such as physical or emotional trauma or infections, that may trigger fibromyalgia. It is most common in women between the ages of 20 and 50.

Symptoms are defined by soft tissue tender points in the back of the neck, shoulders, chest, lower back, hips, elbows, knees, and virtually every area of the body. The pain may exacerbate with movement or exercise. In order for an individual to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, he or she must have a history of at least three months of pain and tenderness in at least 11 of 18 specific areas located on the neck, shoulders, chest, rib cage, lower back, buttocks, thighs, arms, and knees.

Diagnosis is often made by exclusion of other possible conditions with similar symptoms since there is no laboratory or X-ray testing to confirm or rule it out. Because it may dovetail with other medical issues, it may even be necessary for a patient to see more than one physician in order to achieve the correct diagnosis.

Treatment is geared toward reducing the level of pain and other symptoms present. It may begin with physical therapy, an appropriate exercise program, and learning methods of stress relief. Some individuals might even be helped by chiropractic manipulation, Tai Chi, learning better sleep techniques, reducing the amount of caffeine in one’s diet, eliminating foods and drinks with high fructose corn syrup, and more. When these maneuvers fail, a physician might even choose to order a muscle relaxant, sleep aid, or antidepressant.

Now, on to infection. Bacteria can be harbored in the soft tissue around our teeth and it is well known that bad teeth can cause infection to spread throughout the body. When that bacteria is released into the bloodstream during such procedures as a root canal or cleaning, the immune system becomes stimulated sufficiently to cause the discomfort and stress factor that follow. For example, our upper molars are close to our sinuses and routinely cause problems in that area. A simple way around this may be to prescribe antibiotics prior to the procedure in an attempt to control the bacteria present, however this isn’t always done for a variety of reasons. While unconfirmed, more people than I care to count have complained of fibromyalgia-like pain because of dental issues. When the dental problems are under control, the pain virtually ceases. That’s difficult to deny. However, I have not found research that has described this direct link between chronic dental disease and subsequent dental treatment with improvement of fibromyalgia. While proper dental hygiene is vital, including treatment of oral infections, I don’t feel that these are the sole cause of fibromyalgia and therefore, cannot say this will work for all sufferers.

So, thank you for your words of wisdom. Hopefully your letter will help many others.

Readers who would like related information can order Dr. Gott’s Health Report “Fibromyalgia” by sending a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and a $2 US check or money order to Dr. Gott’s Medical Report, PO box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form from

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Apnea may be to blame Sat, 08 Dec 2012 05:01:17 +0000 Dr. Gott Q: I am writing about my husband (age 58, 195 pounds, 5’8” tall) of 39 years. Over the years, he has had a large variety of health issues, mostly pain in every part of his body, fatigue and drowsiness. He is on many different medications including Wellbutrin and Prozac for depression (for the past six years), Norvasc and Altace for high blood pressure (since he was 24), Nexium for heartburn, and Zyrtec and Nasonex for sinus problems. He takes daily OTC and prescription pain medication to deal with chronic and debilitating back and leg pain. He has been diagnosed with sleep apnea but doesn’t use the machine. In addition, he has suffered in the past from chronic kidney stones and has had his gallbladder removed.

When he was younger, he was extremely hyperactive, working from sun up to sun down, but in the last few years he is the opposite: exhausted and chronically fatigued with the ever present pain issues. He has been to many doctors and specialists over the years and had every problem thoroughly checked out. Nothing seems to come of the tests other than a minor problem here or there but nothing that would seem to cause the level of pain he says he experiences on a daily basis. Many family members, including his dad and siblings also have issues with debilitating leg pains.

We have an excellent medical internist but I think over the years she has become frustrated with his roving pain problems and lack of a concrete problem. I have tried to discuss these issues with her but due to confidentiality laws she doesn’t say much.

My husband is still working full time in construction in a supervisor role. Most days he comes home and sleeps on and off all evening. Even on the weekends he takes many naps and lacks energy. Could my husband have a problem with hypochondria? Could the fatigue and exhaustion be caused by the meds he is on? Would acupuncture or a pain clinic help? He is a typical male who complains a lot but doesn’t always do what the doctors suggest. For example, it was recommended he try steroid injections into his back for the pain but he is sure he will become paralyzed so refuses them.

I am at my wits end living with a 58-year-old man who acts like he is 85. I go to the doctors with him but nothing has helped. I doubt you have any solutions for me but it helps to vent. Thank you for your time.

A: I may have a very simple solution for your husband’s fatigue/exhaustion/drowsiness that may even help his pain levels to a degree. He MUST use the CPAP or BiPAP that was prescribed for his sleep apnea.

Although your husband is getting more than adequate sleep time, he is almost assuredly NOT getting adequate quality sleep. Sleep apnea, as you know, causes the sufferer to stop breathing for a few seconds up to a minute or so. This can happen up to several thousand times a night. All these pauses interrupt the normal sleep process usually causing the individual to awaken more tired than when they went to bed.

By using the machine that was given to your husband, these pauses will be eliminated, allowing him to get proper rest which in turn allows the body to repair some of the daily damage that is afflicted. Your husband’s body cannot do this which may, in part, explain some of his roving and chronic pain. In addition, your husband may have a herniated disc or other spinal anomaly that is causing the rest of his back and leg pain. It may even explain his roving pain as the spinal cord sends signals throughout the body and depending on the location of the impingement the legs, arms, or trunk can be affected. Another possibility is fibromyalgia which can cause pain throughout the body.

Your husband needs to follow up on what his doctor and specialists are telling him. If he is nervous about a procedure, he can discuss the benefits and risks, and the approximate likelihood of experiencing those risks, with the physician doing it. For example, the steroid injections don’t go directly into the spinal cord into the spinal canal. There is little risk of paralysis and when done by a competent physician carries very little risk and has the potential for great benefits.

All that said, if your husband is unwilling to take the steps to feeling better, there is nothing you can do, but he should at least have the consideration to stop complaining about his problems when it is his fault that he chooses to do nothing.

Readers who would like related information can request Dr. Gott’s Health Reports “Fibromyalgia”, “Managing Chronic Pain” and “Sleep/Wake Disorders” by sending a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and a $2 (for each report) US check or money order payable to Peter H. Gott, M.D. Health Report, PO Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form from

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Pain dominates woman’s life Thu, 27 Sep 2012 05:01:17 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: I have been diagnosed with several health issues, including neuropathy of my feet and hands. I have suffered from fibromyalgia for over 25 years, RA and OA. I am not diabetic, although I have two brothers that are. I am overweight and also have sleep apnea and use a CPAP.

My latest problem is spinal stenosis involving C5, C6 and C7. It has been suggested I have injections to block nerves to relieve the pain from the stenosis and I also saw a neurosurgeon whose first question was “how long do you expect to live”? If it’s 10 to 15 more years, I might consider to put plastic pads between my discs. I am almost 78. Friends tell me to see someone who uses Reiki treatments and all my ailments will go away.

I take folic acid and B vitamins along with neurontin (Gabapentin), Plaquenel, MS Contin 60 mg twice daily, Mirapex and amitriptyline at bedtime. Lately when I wake up every morning my right hand is swollen to the point I can hardly close it and it is ice cold.

After writing this, I have to laugh when I remember that doctor asking me how much longer I planned to live. I am not ready to throw in the towel but don’t want to live with this pain.

DEAR READER: Fibromyalgia symptoms can come on gradually, causing widespread musculoskeletal pain, irritable bowel syndrome-like symptoms, fatigue, insomnia, TMJ issues, and more. There is no cure; however, medication and stress-reduction will go a long way toward bring the symptoms under control.

RA (rheumatoid arthritis) is an autoimmune disorder that, again, comes on gradually. Symptoms include joint pain, loss of motion, possible deformity, fatigue, numbness, and sleep difficulties. Life-long treatment includes medication, exercise, physical therapy, and more.

OA (osteoarthritis) is a form of arthritis that signifies inflammation of a joint or joints and loss of cartilage that can result from heredity, hormonal or congenital disorders, trauma, disease, gout, or the aging process. The disorder commonly affects the feet, hands, hips, knees, spine, and is exacerbated by obesity because of the amount of stress placed on joints. Symptoms include pain, stiffness and loss of cartilage cushion between bones. When it presents in the cervical spine, as is your case, severe pain with radiation, numbness, tingling and more can result. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment that will stop the degeneration of cartilage; therefore, emphasis is placed on reducing pain and inflammation through rest, weight reduction, exercise, physical and/or occupational therapy, and perhaps even with the use of such devices as knee braces.

Sleep apnea indicates pauses in breathing that can last from several seconds to minutes. Sleep is interrupted as a result and the individual will likely suffer from daytime drowsiness. If you live alone, you likely won’t know the condition exists because it occurs during sleep. However, if you have someone sleeping near you, they will be very aware of the occurrence. The condition can affect anyone; however, it is most common in those who have specific medical conditions or are on specific medications. Treatment involves breathing devices such as the CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device you are using, a mouthpiece that can be prescribed by a dentist or orthodontist, or surgery. Medication is ineffective. Weight loss, the discontinuation of alcohol and smoking, and sleeping on one’s side may be beneficial.

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column that places pressure on the spinal cord. It generally occurs as a person ages and is linked with long-term inflammation, arthritis, herniated disc, congenital defects, and more. Symptoms include numbness in various parts of the body to include the neck, weakness of an arm or leg, gait abnormalities, and incontinence. Treatment includes physical therapy, medication to reduce the degree of pain, massage, acupuncture and – when all else fails – surgery to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.

All in all, you have numerous conditions that cause pain, inflammation, numbness and tingling of the extremities, and your sleep apnea interferes by not allowing a beneficial full night’s rest. I believe you should be seen by a rheumatologist who can prescribe medication that may reduce your pain and swelling. You should also receive physical therapy and see a dietician – the first to work on those painful joints and muscles and the second to assist you in lowering your weight. Your daily exercise regimen might include the use of weights while sitting in a chair, water aerobics, tai chi, bending and stretching, and more. Massage, chiropractic, perhaps Reiki, and stress reduction can be included, as well. Ask your doctor’s office staff to help you with recommendations. It won’t be easy but if you can take it one day at a time under specific guidance by qualified professionals, you will find your pain lessened every day. Then when your doctor asks how long you expect to live, tell him “oh, at least another 10 or more years”.

Readers who would like related information can order my Health Reports “Fibromyalgia” and “Osteoarthritis” by sending a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and $2 US dollars (for each report ordered) to my attention at PO Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title(s) when writing or print out an order form from my website

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Simple remedy for fibromyalgia Tue, 10 Apr 2012 05:01:33 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia seven years ago and went to a clinic at a local hospital where I was evaluated by a doctor and a naturopath. The doctor put me on a clinical trial of vitamin B injections and the naturopath recommended a supplement of magesium/malic acid.

I experienced relief quite quickly and thought it was due to the “miracle” injections; however, I had to discontinue them. For the past six years I have continued to take the malic acid/magnesium supplements daily and have found that they alleviate all my pain. Occasionally I will run out of supplements and after three days the pain will start to creep in again. I had previously been on many sleep and pain medications which made me a walking zombie. Avoiding sugar and alcohol also helps.

The only place I have found the combination supplement is the Vitamin Shoppe or online. Hopefully this will work for some of your readers. Thank you for your informative column.

DEAR READER: I had not heard of malic acid and magnesium being used for the pain of fibromyalgia. After a quick search, however, I found many sources of anecdotal advice. One reliable source even mentioned this is a possible treatment but also that more research needs to be done as currently there is only one very small preliminary clinical trial that found it to be helpful whereas a review article stated several other studies found it provided no relief. I even found one mention that the combination may be helpful in relieving joint and muscle pain associated with Lyme disease.

You don’t mention what dosage you are taking and my research turned up several possibilities ranging from 1200-1400 mg malic acid and 300 mg magnesium anywhere from one to three times a day. I’d like to know what your naturopath recommended you take.

I should also point out that before anyone begins taking a magnesium supplement, they should first consult a physician. This mineral can interact with several medications, and may cause upset stomach and diarrhea. If the user has pre-existing low blood calcium levels, magnesium supplements can cause further deficiency. At high doses, it can cause nausea, vomiting, severely lowered blood pressure, a slowed heart rate, confusion, respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, coma, deficiency of other minerals, cardiac arrest, and even death.

That said, I’m intrigued. If taken under physician supervision and monitored regularly, the risk of serious side effects should be low. I know of several fibromyalgia sufferers who have tried just about everything for relief. Perhaps this could be the answer they are looking for. I’d even be interested in knowing if it works for arthritis pain which can cause somewhat similar symptoms to fibromylagia and Lyme disease.

Readers who are interested in learning more can order my Health Reports “Fibromyalgia” and “Managing Chronic Pain” by sending a self-addressed, stamped number 10 envelope and a $2 (for each report) US check or money order to Dr. Peter Gott, PO Box 433, Lakeville, CT 06039. Be sure to mention the title when writing or print an order form from my website,

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Pain rules senior citizen’s life Thu, 25 Nov 2010 05:01:51 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: My mom is 92 and has macular degeneration, so someone reads her your column every morning. It’s heartbreaking to see the horrendous pain that she is in. It’s extreme from her hip down to the foot on her right leg, and it travels, as well.

She has severe arthritis — bone rubbing on bone in her hip because the cartilage is gone, and her sciatic nerve is being pinched. She has spinal stenosis and fibromyalgia as well, as far as we can tell.

She’s tried things from your column from time to time. She’s been to pain doctors, had five shots, acupuncture, seen a chiropractor and has had physical therapy. We rub her down with different things. She sparingly takes pain medication, which doesn’t always work, applies ice for 20 minutes once or twice a day and still is in severe pain most of the time. She cannot walk due to it.

I keep thinking surely there is something that can help other than surgery. She’s not interested in that option because of her age and her negative reactions to anesthesia and many drugs. Is there a noninvasive procedure that can help, a cream she can use, a specialist she can see or a pill she can take? I find it so hard to believe that in this day and age someone has to be in such severe pain. A once very active woman has been all but stopped.

DEAR READER: As with any medical condition and possible options, a physician must look at the whole picture. The thing that stands out is her age. Most people don’t respond as well to surgery at 92 as they would when younger, recuperation is longer than in a younger person and, as you pointed out, she has had negative reactions to anesthesia.

I cannot comment on her macular degeneration other than to recommend she see a top-notch ophthalmologist if she hasn’t already done so.

Osteoarthritis, sciatica, spinal stenosis and fibromyalgia have one symptom in common — pain. There are options for relief.

Initially, I might suggest massage by a therapist. You might check with her physician or your local hospital for recommendations. If you are fortunate enough to have a visiting nurse’s facility in your community, they will likely make house calls.

Purchase a whirlpool insert for her bath tub or obtain a chair for the shower that will allow soothing water to help ease her pain.

Instead of ice, consider a warming topical ointment such as Castiva or another over-the-counter product that has a castor oil base plus capsaicin to provide relief from the pain. If you can’t find any product at your local independent store, ask them to order it for you.

Make an aromatherapy “hot-pack” of sorts from an old pillowcase cut down to about 8 inches in height. Fill it with dry white rice and lavender or chamomile. Stitch up the fourth side to prevent the contents from spilling out. At appropriate times, pop it into your microwave for about 30 seconds to warm. Wrap it around her neck. The scent may lessen her pain by providing soothing relief as she inhales.

Speak with her physician about modifying her medication. Sometimes when one drug in a specific class isn’t adequate, another is. Also, be sure you run my rather benign suggestions past him or her before initiating them.

To give you related information, I am sending you copies of my Health Reports “Understanding Osteoarthritis” and “Fibromyalgia.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order for each report payable to Newsletter and forwarded to PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. Be sure to mention the title(s) or print out an order form from my website

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Cat-scratch disease causes numb feet Sat, 09 Oct 2010 05:01:51 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: I am always interested in peripheral neuropathy because it was one of the many later symptoms I developed when I acquired bartonella henselae. However, I apparently acquired the bartonella approximately 16 years ago. I recall a cat scratch from a feral kitten that did not heal for several months. I wasn’t diagnosed until a little over two years ago when I failed to respond to Lyme-disease treatment.

In addition to alpha-lipoic acid, my doctor put me on Levaquin. Amazingly, the shoulder pain, chronic gall-bladder infection, swallowing problems, ankle swelling and chronic stomach ulcer went away. The numbness in my feet and fibromyalgia did not disappear but got better.

My point is that one of the symptoms of bartonella is numbness of the feet. It is rarely looked at as the cause of peripheral neuropathy. I had none of the diabetic or circulatory problems that normally cause it. I am still scratching my head as to why my now-retired doctor did not diagnose it earlier. It would have made my recovery from Lyme disease so much easier.

DEAR READER: Bartonella henselae, also known as cat-scratch disease, is a bacterium that enters the body at the site of the scratch. Adult cats can spread the disease, but it more commonly comes from kittens. Lymph nodes, primarily those around the arms, head and neck, become swollen. Lack of normal appetite, fever, headache, fatigue and transient peripheral neuropathy may result. Those commonly infected are people with a compromised immune system.

Lyme disease presents with the same symptoms, so it is no wonder your physician would have zeroed in on that possibility. You can perhaps understand why some diseases and disorders are discovered following a process of exclusion. The symptoms are the same, and, at times, the treatment is the same.

The Levaquin you were prescribed is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia, skin infections, the sinuses, UTIs, ears, chlamydia and more.

You are correct that peripheral neuropathy is not commonly linked to cat-scratch disease. It is not one of the more common symptoms, but there is a definite link that should not be overlooked when making a diagnosis. Thank you for writing and sharing your interesting case.

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Muscle/joint pain caused by allergies? Sat, 11 Sep 2010 05:01:30 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: I’m hoping this information will be helpful to many of your readers. I am a healthy 57-year-old female. Ten years ago, my husband and I lived in Virginia because he was in the Army. I became ill with tingling and numbness in my left arm and also aching joints. After numerous doctor visits, MRIs, etc., I still had no diagnosis. Then, about three months later, I awoke with my arms and torso covered in hives. I immediately went to see an allergist who told me that I was allergic to something that had caused the hives to develop, but he also said it was wreaking havoc inside my body and making my arm and joints ache. I started taking an antihistamine every day for two years and was absolutely fine.

For some dumb reason, I stopped taking it, and last year I had another strange episode: This time, it was strong pains in my breasts. It felt as though I was lactating, but I knew I could not be. Again, I had many doctor visits and also underwent a sophisticated mammogram. I was told I had fibromyalgia, because I also had aches and muscle pains. I disagreed with the diagnosis and began researching on my own.

We had gotten a new dog four months earlier, and, after talking to friends, I decided to stay away from the dog. Sure enough, I began feeling better. Then I told my boss at work, a female, about the strange breast pain, and she immediately told me that I must be allergic to the dog because her little boy had similar reactions to his new dog. His underarms swelled up painfully. I was elated to solve this!

We returned the dog to the shelter, and I was immediately tested for allergies. I was allergic to cats and dogs, not to mention many grasses, molds, trees and house dust. I will never stop taking my daily antihistamine, and I have been feeling great ever since restarting it.

DEAR READER: I have printed your letter because I find it interesting that you say you have joint, muscle and breast pain due to allergies.

Most allergies cause itchy, watery, red eyes; a runny nose and/or congestion; coughing, wheezing or other asthma-like symptoms; skin rashes, hives or swelling. The type of symptoms experienced depends on the allergen and how you came into contact with it. Pet dander, for example, is typically inhaled, so skin manifestations, while possible, are not generally seen.

I am unable to find any reliable scientific evidence that shows that any allergen, let alone pet dander, can cause joint, muscle or breast pain. I was able to find personal testimonies that claimed these symptoms due to allergies, but there is nothing to substantiate the claims. Perhaps this is something that should be further investigated by the medical and scientific communities.

I am not in any way dismissing your claims. I am simply stating that at this point there is no hard evidence to back up the claims. The fact that you have experienced relief by taking a daily antihistamine is compelling nonetheless.

To provide related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Allergies.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed stamped envelope and a $2 check or money order to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form off my website at

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Medical woes plague young reader Wed, 08 Sep 2010 05:01:44 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: Since childhood, I have been suffering with tonsillitis, chronic colds and allergies — both seasonal and medication-induced. At the age of 24, I was diagnosed with discoid lupus; at the age of 30, with fibromyalgia, pleurisy, kidney stones/infection, vertigo, depression and anxiety.

My ANA test for three years has come back normal, but I continue to get lesions, my hair falls out, and I get sick easily. I have been to two rheumatologists. Both say I do not have SLE, but my family doctor feels I do. What do you think?

I was also told that because I only have discoid lupus, this would not cause any health problems other than with my skin and hair. So why do I have it in my nose and inside both ears? I’m now 33, my bones are brittle, and I have osteoarthritis in my hands and fingers. Help!

DEAR READER: Whew, where to start? Some children have impaired immune systems, making them subject to numerous disorders. My guess is that you were unfortunate enough to fall into that category.

There are a number of forms of lupus, which is an autoimmune disease. Lupus can affect joints, skin, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs and other parts of the body. Common symptoms include skin rash, kidney problems, arthritis and unexplained fever.

Discoid lupus is a chronic skin disorder that shows as a raised red rash that ordinarily appears on the face and scalp but can appear in other areas of the body, including the nose and ears. The lesions may last for days or years and can recur. Some people diagnosed with discoid lupus may develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) at a later date.

Because arthritis is a common complaint, it’s not at all surprising that you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic pain in muscles and ligaments.

Pleurisy is swelling of the lung linings that causes pain and breathlessness during inhalation and exhalation. Causes include acute viral infections, such as influenza, and can be the result of autoimmune disorders, such as lupus.

Kidney stones and related infections have numerous causes, including dehydration, obesity, genetic factors and a diet high in protein/sugar/sodium.

Vertigo can be caused by an inner-ear disorder, migraine headache, acoustic neuroma and other causes.
Depression and anxiety can be caused by lupus, fibromyalgia, kidney stones and vertigo. You have a lot on your plate, and it has obviously resulted in a lot of stress. Osteoarthritis, a breakdown of cartilage, causes pain and stiffness of affected joints. The condition is commonly associated with the aging process, but at 33, you are far from old. Treatment is geared toward controlling pain through medication, rest, exercise and protection of the affected joint(s).

Because so many of your symptoms involve pain, I’m inclined to suggest that you be referred to a pain clinic for control or request a referral to a larger diagnostic center, such as the Mayo Clinic. You will learn methods for reducing the level of pain you presently experience that may include water aerobics and yoga. Appropriate medication might be ordered. Once you get that aspect under control, the anxiety and stress levels you are under may be reduced.

To provide related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Fibromyalgia.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form off my website at

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FIBROMYALGIA and CHIROPRACTIC Mon, 02 Aug 2010 05:01:50 +0000 admin Over the past 25 years that I have been in practice there has been a slow but steady increase in the number of patients that upon entering my office relate that they have fibromyalgia also known as fibromyalgia syndrome or FMS. Some of these patients have been diagnosed by a healthcare professional and some have relied on self-diagnosis, which can be dangerous as I will discuss below. There has been a lot of controversy over FMS from is it a real entity, what exactly is wrong, how to diagnose it and to how to treat it. As a chiropractic physician the question put to me is “how can chiropractic help me with my fibromyalgia?”

Let’s first discuss a bit about what FMS is considered to be. FMS was first recognized by the American Medical Association as a diagnosis in 1987 even though it has been around for much longer than that. The name “fibromyalgia” implies pain and inflammation of the muscles and connective tissues of the body but this is an inaccurate label because there aren’t any actual problems in these particular structures, they just happen to be where the patient “feels” the pain and discomfort. On biopsy of these tissues in a patient considered to have FMS they do not show any inflammatory changes. Also, FMS symptoms do not respond well to anti-inflammatories e.g. prednisone as again these structures are themselves not inflamed. Much like having a pinched nerve in the neck or lower back that sends the pain down the arm or leg; the pain is only felt there, the problem is in the spine itself. The “problem” in FMS appears to be in the central nervous system. The problem in the central nervous system is in the area that controls the bodies sensitivity to pain. The ability to filter or dampen the nerve impulses for pain is impaired and thus stimuli that would not normally be interpreted by the body as painful are. No one knows for sure why this breakdown occurs but it is thought that this part of the central nervous system becomes “burned out” from the body dealing with significant stressful situations. This can be in the form of physical and/or emotional stress. Physical traumas such as auto accidents, which have seemingly been the trigger for some of my patients, or having to deal with stressful family or personal situations over a long period of time can be the underlying cause of this “burn out” situation in the central nervous system. Thus, FMS can be considered to be a post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

Patients that have FMS usually have a wide range of symptoms the most common of which are- hurt all over, insomnia, fatigue, depression and anxiety. Many also complain of difficulties with concentration and memory and may experience what many refer to as “fibrofog”. The list of symptoms that have been associated with FMS can be quite lengthy and can almost seem like any symptom you have can be attributed to FMS. Herein lies the biggest problem with a fibromyalgia diagnosis. Because that list of symptoms is so wide ranging someone who has been labeled as having FMS will just assume that any symptom they have is due to it. This can be dangerous as those symptoms may well be from some other underlying illness that is now going to be ignored as the patient assumes that they already know the reason for it. Even the more common symptoms associated with FMS may well be from some other illness or condition. Thus a diagnosis of FMS is usually arrived at through the process of elimination of all other possible causes of the patient’s problems. Other conditions that could give similar symptoms include- hypothyroidism, anemia, Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal imbalances, allergies as well as numerous other illnesses. That is why it is extremely important to rule out other conditions first as they may be treatable and would therefore go untreated ultimately leading to other health problems if it is just lumped in as a “fibro” symptom. Thus, the person who self diagnoses as having FMS, is doing the worst injustice to themselves as they may have some other treatable condition that is just going to worsen over time. Once all other possible causes are eliminated then a diagnosis of FMS can be considered. The standard accepted criteria for diagnosing FMS, after the elimination process, is having widespread pain in all four quadrants of the body for a minimum of three months and must also have pain in at least 11 of 18 tender points in specific body locations on the application of pressure.

Now, lets get back to the original question, “how can chiropractic help me with my fibromyalgia?” First of all, as stated above, a patient should not just assume that any symptom they have is due to FMS. I have many patients say “there is nothing you can do for me my pain is from fibromyalgia”. Even though you may have FMS you are still entitled to good old-fashioned neck and back pain that may be from sprain/strains, disc related problems or even arthritis. All of which have nothing to do with FMS and can most certainly be treated in my office. They may also have an underlying carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, bursitis, and many other pain producing conditions not related to FMS that also respond well to chiropractic care. If it is determined that the problems with which the patient presents are indeed related to fibromyalgia and not from other causes then here is what I can do to help them. First of all, as a chiropractor, my number one form of treatment is spinal or extremity manipulation. Manipulations help to restore mobility to joints that may have been lost or reduced due to the tightness of the surrounding muscles as a response to the underlying pain feelings that the patient has. All joints are designed to move and to lose even some of that mobility can cause them to experience discomfort which just adds to that experienced from FMS. I usually also recommend 5-Hydroxytryptophan to help with sleep. Loss of sleep from FMS is the proverbial chicken or the egg scenario. It’s not really known if the lack of good sleep is a trigger for FMS or if having FMS affects the patient’s sleep. Regardless of which comes first to help the patient to have improved restorative sleep is certainly a plus. Also, along the lines of nutrition I recommend taking Magnesium and Malic acid as well as Omega-3 fatty acids all of which has shown some promise for relieving FMS symptoms. Further, a change in diet shifting from processed foods to eating whole foods and preferably organic (without additives, pesticides, hormones or antibiotics) is helpful not only for FMS but for your general overall health. Exercise is also important. Typically, a lot of physical exercise can be aggravating to a FMS patient so I usually recommend low impact type exercises e.g. water exercises, Pilates or especially Yoga which is very good for helping the joints of the body to keep mobile.

In summary, you always want to make sure that you have eliminated all other possible causes of your symptoms before accepting a diagnosis of FMS. Then, once it is established that you have true fibromyalgia, then it would behoove you to seek out natural treatment alternatives such as chiropractic. All you really have to lose is your pain.

David D. Godwin, D.C.
Salisbury Chiropractic
Salisbury, NC

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Chronic cough, lupus need specialist care Thu, 01 Jul 2010 05:01:38 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: I’ve been diagnosed with asthma, bronchiectasis, lupus and fibromyalgia. I’ve had a chronic cough, and no one can find out where it’s coming from. I have no energy. I just want to take a nap all the time and eat. I’ve gained weight and can say I’m getting closer to being depressed as opposed to being just unhappy. Any ideas for me to check out?

DEAR READER: Yes. Initially, you should request a referral to a rheumatologist. Lupus, a serious inflammatory autoimmune disorder, can affect the joints, kidneys, lungs and several other parts of the body. Many of the symptoms, such as fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, depression and variations in weight, cross over to those of fibromyalgia. Therefore, you should confirm that you do suffer from both conditions.

You should also be under the care of a pulmonologist for control of your chronic cough, asthma and bronchiectasis. The cough could be medication-induced or a result of your asthma. In order to determine what triggers your attacks, it may be necessary for you to undergo testing and to see several other specialists. This may appear daunting but once your textbook complaints of fibromyalgia are better controlled, you will then be able to lift your veil of depression and get on with your life. There is help. The fact that you have written to me is a genuine indication you are ready to get to the bottom of things.

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