I just read the letter from the insane woman who wants to murder her husband because he urinates and ejaculates in the shower, plus he doesn’t use a washcloth — horror of horrors. You showed considerable restraint in not sending the nice white padded wagon over to this woman’s house and having her hauled off to the happy farm.
This woman and all of the other women who write to you and are so disgusted about this behavior in the shower must not know that urine and semen are sterile substances when they leave the body. Unless this guy is leaving a pile of defecation in the shower, then it’s really not a big deal. In fact, I would venture to guess that ALL men and some women urinate and masturbate in the shower at one time or another.
As for using a washcloth versus ones hands –the washcloth is must nastier. The sweat and bacteria on the skin are much more disgusting than sterile body fluids and don’t rinse out of the washcloth unless it is laundered daily. Soap and running water will clean the hands that have scrubbed body crevices. There is also hand sanitizer for the overly obsessed. Heck, my husband uses the shower to wash out his sinuses! Now that is gross, but I have no homicidal tendencies toward him.
Lighten up ladies. Your problems run much deeper than a mate urinating and ejaculating in the shower! See a shrink already.
Thank you! I have received several letters similar to yours from other health professional. Many were written by women. Yours put a humorous spin on whole situation as well as pointing out what I was hesitating to say.