Ask Dr. Gott » Ear wax Ask Dr Gott MD's Website Sun, 12 Dec 2010 05:01:29 +0000 en hourly 1 Earwax remedies Wed, 24 Nov 2010 05:01:57 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT: Does hydrogen peroxide help with hard earwax in children, and how much should I use? I thought I read that two drops in each ear every night was correct, but I’m unsure.

DEAR READER: Ear wax protects the ear by preventing bacteria, dust and foreign matter from entering and causing damage. Wax can build up in the ear canal but can also occur if a person attempts to clean the ear but inadvertently pushes the wax deeper into the canal.

Softeners can include glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, baby oil, olive oil, mineral oil or almond oil, saline solution, or over-the-counter preparations designed for such a purpose. Hydrogen peroxide and other methods should be used only if you are sure there is no infection, discharge, redness or hearing impairment. You are correct in that two drops is the proper amount to use, but I am unsure why you feel nightly use is necessary, unless you have had a major problem with wax impaction. Some people prefer to first use a couple of drops of one of the oils I mentioned, wait a minute or two for it to soften the wax, use an eye dropper to add two drops of warmed hydrogen peroxide and wait until the bubbling stops. Then have the person tip his or her head to the side to catch any residue in a small towel. It’s always more comfortable to warm the products going into the ear. This can be accomplished by immersing both oil and peroxide bottles in a small bowl of warm water briefly before beginning the process. If you don’t already do this or if you use only peroxide, you might want to try the combination routine. However, you should use peroxide only when absolutely necessary, because it can cause severe dryness of the ear, resulting in further issues.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Ear Infections and Disorders.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order payable to Newsletter and forwarded to PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. Be sure to mention the title or print out an order form from my website

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Daily Column Thu, 07 Aug 2008 05:00:04 +0000 Dr. Gott DEAR DR. GOTT:
I have a problem with dried ear wax in my outer ears, especially when it settles in the small crevices and is painful to remove. I’m a 77-year-old female who has always had lots of ear wax, but it used to be soft and could be removed easily. How does the wax flow out when it is dry and brittle? Is there anything that can help?

Ear wax is secreted by glands in the skin that line the canals of the ears. Its purpose is to trap dirt and slow the growth of bacteria. Why some individuals seem to produce more wax than others is unknown. Blockages can occur when people attempt to clean their ears themselves, most often with the aid of swabs. As a general rule, this process simply pushes any wax into the ear canal and against the drum causing pain, fullness and hearing loss. The practice should never be done.

There are safe, practical solutions for removal. You can try using mineral oil, baby oil, Debrox or Murine Ear Drops, which soften the wax allowing it to be removed easily with a bulb syringe filled with warm water to flush the wax out. This method is similar to that used by physicians and shouldn’t harm the ear drum. There are also products that can be used every four to eight weeks as a preventive.

A much safer and recommended method is to make an appointment with your physician. While this might appear to be unnecessary, your physician can examine the outer ear, remove any wax with a small instrument, or flush it away. He or she can also determine if the debris you claim is painful to remove is truly wax. There are several ear conditions that can cause dried skin build-up that resembles wax. In my opinion, this is a more likely cause of your ear problem and may require prescription creams.

Your hearing is extremely important so don’t attempt to insert any instruments into the ear canal yourself. A rule of thumb is never to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear.

To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Ear Infections and Disorders”. Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped, number 10 envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

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